God knew even before Israel became a nation that they would desire a king like other nations. What can we learn from their choice to reject God and apply it today?
King Saul was blinded by his anger towards David and it led him to lose his temper in ways that destroyed his family and his dynasty. What can we do to avoid the same blindness that hurt Saul?
In today’s world, a well told story will be heard regardless of the content. Luke tells Paul’s conversion story, giving us a framework in which to share ours. Consider these thoughts from Scott Jewell, our Family Minister.
Psalm 118 is a powerful song of praise. But behind this psalm of praise is a great deal of pain. What was the pain that led David to write this hymn to God, and what can we learn from David’s pain that can make our song as powerful as his?
His name had been Saul, but that - along with his entire life - was changed when he met Jesus. What changed him and what can we learn from his experience?