After David’s sin with Bathsheba, his family fell apart. What can we learn from his experience that can make us better parents as well as better servants of a mighty God?
Cain and Abel both brought sacrifices, but God only found one acceptable. Cain was forced to make a choice, but was he really able to have control over his sin? Consider these thoughts.
So many people have decided they’ve messed up too many times for God to ever love them. But what does God have to say about that? Check out these thoughts from Family Minister Scott Jewell.
The YouTube teacher named Joe Scott (Answers With Joe) once shared questions about Christianity that troubled him. And one of those questions was “Did God Make Sin?”
Jesus said the Spirit would convict the world of Sin, Righteousness, and the Coming Judgment. What does that mean, and what difference can it make to us?
Jesus came to heal those sick with sin. That means the church is meant to be a hospital for those weighed down with guilt. But what can a church do better heal those lost in their shame?
Did Sodom and Gomorrah exist? Were they destroyed as Scripture says they were (short answer: yes, and yes). And what lessons can we learn from this story from Genesis?
It almost sounds as if Paul - one of the greatest Christian who ever lived - is struggling against sin. It sounds like he slipped up now and again and fell short. Is that even possible?
In the game of "Clue" the person who died was "Mr. Boddy." In the Scripture, the person who died was us - we died in our sins. But what killed us, and whose fault was it that we should be counted dead?