Live Out Loud Youth Ministry

So many young people are seeking. "Where do I fit in?" "What is the meaning of life?" "Is there a God and, if so, does He love me?" "Why do bad things keep happening to me?"

We've designed the Live Out Loud Youth Ministry to answer those questions and more. Led by our Family Minister, Scott Jewell, this ministry seeks to help young people (grades 6-12) find their identity in Christ so that their lives shine for God (Matthew 5:16).

During the school year, youth gather on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 for games, songs, lessons, and prayer. Snacks are provided as well. During the summer, our youth are encouraged to participate on Wednesday evenings as we head to different places around town. Other activities to stretch the youth are planned on occasion- be it fun times of fellowship or serving others in the name of Jesus.

Highlights of the year include the opportunity to go to summer camp at The Ark Ministries (formerly known as Rainbow Church Camp) and the annual ICYC (Indiana Christian Youth Convention).