The difference between the world and God is very harsh when it come to children. God considers them precious, while the world often considers them expendable. What is God’s attitude toward abortion and what can we do for those who struggle with that decision?
The Bible has always been honest with us about the potential dangers of discipleship. It speaks of the real possibilities of abuse, prison and even death. Is there ever a time when it’s NOT worth it to be a Christian?
Hollywood has been trying to change our idea of what forms the ideal family. But God’s Word doesn’t change and Paul has given us instructions for how to strive to have the ideal family. Consider these thoughts from our Family Minister Scott Jewell.
Robert Burns wrote a poetic apology to a mouse for having destroyed its home. How often are we like that mouse when we try to leave God out? What does the Psalmist have to say about finding balance between faith and effort? Check out these thoughts from our Family Minister, Scott Jewell