What did the Psalmist mean by blessed and how does avoiding the slippery slope of sin help us become blessed? Consider these thoughts from our Family Minister Scott Jewell.
Jesus said the Spirit would convict the world of Sin, Righteousness, and the Coming Judgment. What does that mean, and what difference can it make to us?
Jesus gave the people one final notice before focusing on His disciples before going to the cross. What reasons does Jesus give to believe in Him and how do we need to respond?
Did Sodom and Gomorrah exist? Were they destroyed as Scripture says they were (short answer: yes, and yes). And what lessons can we learn from this story from Genesis?
I want to be Jesus’ teacher’s pet. I want to be His favorite pupil. This passage gives us the key to pleasing Jesus and becoming more like Him in my life. (Spoiler alert – it has to do with how I treat people I don’t like)
God tells us that those who are outside of Christ are “without God”. What does that mean to those outside of Christ and what does that mean for us INside of Christ?
The story of the “handwriting on the wall” is God’s way of reminding us that there will be a day of judgment. What can we learn from God’s warning to this King?
Deborah was one of the great "she-roes" of God. What was it about her that made her a heroine in the book of Judges and what is it about her faith that got God's attention?
The people of that day were unbelievably wicked, but was there a chance God would have spared them? Did God want to? And what can the flood tells us about the coming judgment at the end of time when Jesus returns?