The Bible talks less about what makes a great leader than it does about what makes a great servant. What is it about God’s leaders that requires them to be servants of others?
Abraham’s servant didn’t pray to his god… he prayed to Abraham’s God. Why did he do that, and what can that servant’s appeal to God teach us about prayer?
Sibling rivalry starts with one person feeling they’ve been slighted. They deserved to be treated better. And expect this kind of rivalry in children – it’s when we become adults that this desire to “be the star” can destroy families, churches and relationships.
Christians need to be of one mind and one love. But too often we’re so focused on ourselves that we can’t reach that goal. So how do we change our self-centered way of thinking?
Acts 6 tells us that after the church met the needs of its widows, the “disciples multiplied greatly”. What caused this dramatic explosion of growth and what can we learn from that?
Too many Christians are satisfied with doing their minimum requirement for God. They don't realize the blessings they miss out on because they've just done what they "had to do" as His child. What are they missing out on and how can they change?
We're strangers in this world and we will encounter difficulty. What has God supplied to help us survive the struggles and sufferings and persecutions we may encounter here?