Worship Services
Join us Sunday morning at 8:00 am for our traditional worship service, or at 10:30 am for our contemporary worship service. Grab a cup of coffee and snack before heading to Sunday School at 9:30 am. Classes are available for children, youth, and adults alike. Also, the younger children are excused from the sermon portion of the 10:30 service for Children's Church. We also host a service in Spanish at 1:00 pm and in Burmese at 2:00 pm. Not able to join us for worship in the morning? Join our evening service for adults at 6:30 pm. Children and youth ministries occur every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Check out the links under Ministries at the top for more info.
Join Us
If you need a ride, call us at the number below and we'll arrange for our handicap-accessible bus to pick you up.