There were lots of trees in the Garden of Eden, but two specific trees figured centrally in that story. Is it possible that they both tell us something about what Jesus did for us? (Spoiler Alert – yes, they do).
The cancel culture has swept our nation… and destroyed lives, careers and futures. But the actions of those of the cancel culture are as old as history. They cancelled Abel, and the prophets… and they even cancelled Jesus. Or at least they thought they had.
Simeon and Anna don’t get much press. They’re never in any of the nativity scenes; they’re not mentioned in any carols and I’ve never seen a Christmas card with them in it. It’s like … they weren’t all that important! But God thought they were. Find out why.
“No Room” was a declaration by God of what Jesus would experience in His ministry. In fact there are only two places where room will be made for Jesus. Do you know what they are?
A church in Texas is planning to build the largest cross in the Western Hemisphere. But Jesus didn’t build His church this way. He built His church on a different kind of cross. Do you know what cross that was?
Whose fault was it that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden? Was it all THEIR fault? Did Satan influence Eve's choice? Was God at fault for their failure?
Why would the world hate Jesus? What is there about His message that makes them so upset? Uses the advertisement against Christmas the American Humanist Organization used 5 years ago to explore those questions.